Google Scholar Metrics
The recent Google Scholar Metrics for the Journal are as below:
- Reference date: 13-Mar-18 00:12:52
- Citation years: 7 (2011-2018)
- Papers: 9
- Citations: 38
- Citations/year: 5.43
- Citations/paper: 4.22
- Citations/author: 20.92
- Papers/author: 3.67
- Authors/paper: 2.89/3.0/3 (mean/median/mode)
- Age-weighed citation rate: 7.79 (sqrt=2.79), 3.84/author
- Hirsch h-index: 4 (a=2.38, m=0.57, 30 cites=78.9% coverage)
- Egghe g-index: 6 (g/h=1.50, 36 cites=94.7% coverage)
- PoP hI,norm: 2
- PoP hI,annual: 0.29